















日本保健科学学会誌は、皆様の投稿論文をよりスピーディに円滑に掲載できるよう年 4 回の発行を予定しています。また、論文の受付は常時行っており、審査終了後、逐次掲載していきますので、会員多数のご投稿をお待ちしております。


ユーザー登録等のメールアドレスとして gmail を使うのは避けて下さい。通知メールが届かない現象を確認しています。



論文投稿時 利益相反申請書

投稿者マニュアル Ver.1-1(PDF) 投稿関連電子ファイル Ver.1-1(Word)

査読者マニュアル Ver.1(PDF) 査読用電子ファイル Ver.1-1(Word)


事務取り扱い時間は、月曜日と水曜日の午前 10 時~午後 4 時までとなっております。


東京都荒川区東尾久 7-2-10

東京都立大学 健康福祉学部内 日本保健科学学会事務局宛て

日本保健科学学会誌 投稿要領  [English













(1)原稿はパソコンまたはワープロ(テキストファイル形式)を用い,A4 版横書き縦 40 行・横 40 字の 1,600 字分を 1 枚とし,文献,図表,写真を含み,本文の合計が 10 枚(16,000 字相当)以内を原則とする。1,600 字用紙で 3 枚程度の短報も可能。

(2)図表,写真は,それぞれ 1 枚につき原稿 400 字分と換算し,原則として合計 5 枚以内とする。図は製版できるよう作成し,表はタイプ又はワープロで作成する。写真は白黒を原則とし,カラー写真の場合には実費負担とする。

(3)刷り上がり 5 ページ(8,000 字相当)までの掲載は無料。6 ページ以上の超過ページの掲載料は有料とする(1 ページ当たり 8,000 円)。


(1)原稿の表紙に,①題名(和文および英文),②キーワード(5 語以内),③希望する原稿カテゴリー(原著 研究報告 実践報告),④新規・再投稿の区別,⑤該当する分野,⑥前回投稿時の Paper ID(再投稿や再々投稿の場合のみ),⑦別刷必要部数を明記する。

(2)原稿本文には,和文の要旨(400 字以内)とキーワード(5 語以内),本文,文献,英語要旨(300 語以内の Abstract)と Keywords(5 語以内)の順に記載し,通し番号を付け,図表及び写真を添付する。また,原稿本文の各ページには行番号を付けること。

(3)図,表及び写真は 1 枚ずつ別紙とし,図 1、表 1 および写真 1 などの番号をつける。さらに図及び写真の標題や説明は,別紙 1 枚に番号順に記入する。



「‥‥筆頭著者の所属機関の倫理審査会で承認を得た(承認番号 999)」

「‥‥A 大学の倫理審査会で承認を得た(承認番号 999)」


(6)投稿にあたってすべての著者は投稿時に『日本保健科学学会「保健・医療・福祉に関する研究の COI に関する指針」の細則』第 3 条にしたがい、「日本保健科学学会誌 投稿時の COI 自己申告書」を提出しなければならない。申告時の内容については、謝辞等にその旨記載する。COI 状態がない場合も、謝辞等に「開示すべき COI 状態はない」などの文言を記載し、自己申請書を提出する。



a)本文中の該当箇所の右肩に,順に 1),2)…の通し番号を付し,文末に番号順に揚げる。


著者名:題名.雑誌名,巻(号):引用ページ,発行年 の順に記載する。


井村恒郎 : 知覚抗争の現象について. 精神経誌, 60 : 1239–1247, 1958.

Baxter, L R, Scwartz, J M, et al. : Reduction of prefrontal cortex metabolism common to three types of depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 46 : 243–250, 1989.




八木剛平, 伊藤 斉 : 躁鬱病. 保崎秀夫編著, 新精神医学 : 282–306, 文光堂, 東京, 1990.

Gardnar, M B : Oncogenes and acute leukemia. Stass SA(ed), The Acute Leukemias : 327–359, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1987.

d)著者名が 4 名以上の場合,3 名連記の上,○○○,他,あるいは○○○, et al. とする。

8.投稿は原則として、本誌指定の word ファイル「査読用電子ファイル(review_filex)および投稿関連電子ファイル(post_file)」に必要事項を記載し、本学会のオンライン投稿システムで行う。投稿に際しては、本学会 HP の投稿者マニュアルを参照し、指示に従うこと。

9.投稿ウェブサイト:https://science-cloud.world/jahs/form.html オンライン投稿が困難な場合には事務局にご相談ください。

10.著者校正は 1 回とする。校正の際の大幅な変更は認めない。


12.論文 1 編につき別刷 30 部を贈呈する。それ以上の部数は著者の実費負担とする。

13.投稿承諾書・COI 自己申告書・ネイティブチェック証明書は日本保健科学学会事務局に提出する。

〒116-8551 東京都荒川区東尾久 7–2–10 東京都立大学 健康福祉学部内



(1)査読者候補を 1 名以上指名すること。該当者の①氏名,②所属,③e-mail アドレスを明記した別紙(フォーマットは任意)を添付すること。なお,査読者の最終的な選定は編集委員会で行うため,必ずしも査読候補者が査読者に加わるとは限らない。

(2)投稿者の不利益が予想される場合,投稿者は該当者を指名して査読候補者から除外するよう希望することができる。指名する場合は,①投稿者に不利益が生じる理由,および該当者の②氏名,所属,e-mail アドレス等を明記した別紙(フォーマットは任意)を添付すること。なお,査読者の最終的な選定は編集委員会で行うため,該当者が査読者に加わる場合もある。


(2021 年 5 月 20 日改訂)

Submission Guide for the Journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences

1. Only the first author has to be a member of the Japan Academy of Health Sciences to make a submission to the journal. Authors preparing manuscripts on request from the Editorial Board are exempt from this qualification. Coauthors may include student members. All research should fully protect the participants’ rights and conform to accepted ethical guidelines. Following four requirements should be confirmed in the manuscript.

1) Protecting safety and/or rights of patients and other people who participated in the research (e.g. provided information or samples).

2) Obtaining informed consent.

3) Protecting personal information.

4) Review by the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

2. Manuscripts published previously or that are currently being considered for publication elsewhere will not be accepted.

3. Manuscripts should be categorized as one of the following types of articles.

・Original Articles

Original Article contains the original clinical or laboratory research. The body of original articles needs to be in the general format consisting of: Introduction, Materials/Subjects, Methods, Results and Discussion.

・Research Paper (including brief report, field report, etc.)

The body of research paper needs to be in the general format consisting of: Introduction, Materials/Subjects, Methods, Results and Discussion.

・Practical Report

Report on practical activities or research activities.

4. The Editorial Board decides on acceptance of the manuscript following review.

5. The author will be notified of the decision.

6. Article lengths and formats are as below.

(1) English manuscript should be double spaced, using PC or word processor (text file), 12 pt font in A4 size, no longer than 10 pages (7,000 words) in principle including references, tables, figures and photographs. Short report (approximately 2,000 words) is also acceptable.

(2) Each table, figure and photograph is counted as 200 words and maximum of 5 tables, figures and photographs is permitted in total. Figures should be of adequate quality for reproduction. Tables should be made using word processor. Photographs should be black and white in principle; expenses for color printing must be borne by the author.

(3) No charge will be imposed on the author for manuscripts up to 5 pages (printed pages in the journal, approximately 3,000 words) in length. The publication fee of papers in excess of 6 pages will be levied on the author at a rate of 8,000 JPY per page.

7. Manuscripts should be prepared in the following style.

(1) The title page includes: (a) title (Japanese and English), (b) keywords (up to 5 words), (c) desired manuscript category (original research report, practice report), (d) distinction between new and resubmitted, (e) applicable fields, (f) Specify the Paper ID at the time of the previous posting (only for reposting or reposting), and (h) the number of copies required for reprinting.

When the author is a graduate student, academic affiliation should be listed as an institutional affiliation, however, she/he may write workplace affiliation (ex. Department of Nursing Sciences, Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University /Department of Nursing, XX Hospital). All submissions should follow the above style.

(2) Manuscripts should include: abstract (300 words or fewer), keywords (5 or few words). Text, references, abstract and keywords should be presented in the above order. Tables, figures and photographs must be enclosed. Abstract in Japanese (400 characters or fewer) may be included optionally. Also, add line numbers to each page of the manuscript text.

(3) Tables, figures and photographs should be numbered and have the name of the author on the back sides. Their locations in the text should be indicated in the margin with red ink. A list of titles of tables, figures and photographs and brief explanation (if necessary) should be presented in order on a separate sheet.

(4) If the content of the submitted manuscript requires ethical consideration, be sure to describe in the "method" how the ethical consideration and consideration for the research subject were given. For human research, follow the Declaration of Helsinki and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology / Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Ethical Guidelines for Medical Research for Humans" or other appropriate guidelines. For studies conducted with the approval of the Ethics Review Board, the name and date of approval of the approved Ethics Review Board shall be stated in the text. Regarding the notation of institutions that have undergone research ethics examination, avoid specifying the institution (proper noun) to which they belong from the viewpoint of fairness of peer review. The description example is as follows. "... Obtained approval by the ethics review board of the institution to which the first author belongs (approval number 999)" "... Approved by the Ethics Review Board of University A (Approval No. 999)"

(5) If financial support such as research funding, sample provision, or convenience provision is received from a company or organization when carrying out the research or writing a treatise, it must be stated in the acknowledgments.

(6) At the time of submission, all authors should follow Article 3 of the "Detailed Regulations of the Japan Society for Health Sciences" Guidelines for COI of Research on Health, Medical Care, and Welfare "" at the time of submission, and "COI self-report at the time of submission. A letter must be submitted. The content at the time of filing will be stated in the acknowledgments. Even if there is no COI status, write a statement such as "There is no COI status to be disclosed" in the acknowledgment, etc., and submit a self-application form.

(7) Dates should be indicated using the Western calendar. Words, names and names of places in non-English languages should be stated in original languages or katakana. when they appear first in the text. When using an abbreviation, use the full word the first time it appears in the manuscript.

(8) References

a) Consecutive superscript numbers are used in the text and listed at the end of the article. Each reference should be written in the following order.

b) Journal article

Names of author (s), title, name of journal, volume/issue number, pages and year of publication.


Baxter, L R, Schwartz, J M, et al.: Reduction of prefrontal cortex metabolism common to three types of depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 46: 243-250, 1989.

c) Books

Names of author (s), article or chapter title, editor(s), book title, volume number in series, pages, publisher, place of publication and year of publication.


Gardner, M B: Oncogenes and acute leukemia. Stass SA (ed). The Acute Leukemias: 327-359, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1987.

d) In case of more than four authors, use “et al” after the citation of three authors.

8. Manuscripts should be prepared using PC or word processor (text file) and submitted in duplicate as one original and one copy. In addition, two hard copies without the authors’ name(s) and affiliation(s) should be enclosed. Together with the manuscript, electronic files (DVD, USB, etc; labeled with the author and file names), submission form and Author Consent Form should be enclosed.

9. After changes or corrections, the revised manuscript, a copy and two hard copies without authors’ name(s) and affiliation(s) should be submitted, along with electronic files on 3.5 inch diskette (labeled with author and file names). The initial manuscript and the copy should be enclosed.

10. Page proofs will be made available once to the author. Further alterations other than essential correction of errors are not permitted.

11. In principle, accepted manuscripts and electronic files will not be returned.

12. The author will receive thirty free offprints from the journal. Additional offprints will be provided upon request at the author's expense.

13. Manuscripts should be sent to:

Japan Academy of Health Sciences

C/O Faculty of Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University

Higashiogu, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan Postal Code 116-8551

14. Copyright of published articles belong to Japan Academy of Health Sciences.

15. Suggesting referee(s)

(1) Authors may suggest referee candidate(s) to provide quick and smooth review process. Authors wishing to suggest referee candidate(s) must attach a file with referee candidate(s)’ name(s), affiliation(s), and e-mail address(es). However, referees are selected by the Editorial Board, so suggested referee candidate(s) may not be utilized.

(2) Authors may request to remove designated person(s) from a list of referees when there is a potential conflict of interest. The author must attach a file with the person(s)’ names, affiliation(s), and the reason of the conflict. However, final choice of referees is made by the Editorial Board.

16. Attach a certificate of English editing at the first submission.

(Revised May 20, 2021)



